Looking to take part in some ground-breaking research on how deployment affects our military families? The Military Families Project is a research study funded by the Department of Defense’s U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command. This is a multi-site study being conducted at the University of Houston, the University of Central Florida, and the University of Hawaii. This study will examine the effects of deployment stress upon children and non-deployed spouses using biological and psychological measures.
To visit each University’s information site, click on the following links:
University of Houston • University of Central Florida • University of Hawaii
What is the purpose of this study?
This study will examine how military deployment affects children (ages 7 to 17 years) and non-deployed spouses using biological and psychological measures of stress, clinical interviews, and assessment of family, social and academic functioning. This research has three specific aims:
- To compare psychological symptoms, stressful behaviors and functional impairment among children of deployed parents, children of non-deployed parents, divorced/separated parents and two parent families.
- To compare parental psychological stress and parenting stress in these same four groups.
- To determine the relationship between parental emotional stress/distress and children’s responses to stress.
Ultimately, Military Families Project will use data we collect from this research to develop an early intervention/prevention program based on identified problems.
If you are interested in taking part in this study please visit one of the following location websites to:
University of Houston • University of Central Florida • University of Hawaii
*The Comfort Crew is not collecting information on the Military Families Project behalf. For questions and concerns please contact The Military Families Project.