Be A Hero!

by comfortcrewmk on September 17, 2013

SI am in awe of our military families. As a parent of two, keeping up with what is going on with academics, extracurricular activities, and friends can seem like a full time job. And at times, feeling connected with them can be so fleeting, especially as they get older. Just imagine the added stress and burdens unique to military families over the past 12 years.

So much has been asked of our military families. Our troops volunteer, but their children sacrifice too. Imagine being separated from your child for a year. Then imagine being asked to leave again a year later…and again…and again. Many families have been through the deployment cycle 5,6,7 times, some even more. They have sacrificed precious time with their children while they protect our freedoms.

We need your help to meet requests that we receive every day. Our goal is to raise $11K in 11 days to honor our country’s heroes. That amount provides a Comfort Kit to one child every day for a year, providing them the support they need to process their emotions and thrive. This is a small goal; however to the 365 children that will be receiving one of these kits, nothing could be more important.

My Dad died when I was very young during his service in Vietnam. I grew up afraid to talk about him, his service, or to grieve for him. I actually thought I was the only child that lost a parent in Vietnam. However, as co-founder of the Comfort Crew, I have an opportunity to make a difference. I feel strongly that we have an obligation to ensure that every military child receives the best tools, strategies, and technology to prepare them for challenges and have a positive impact on themselves, their families, and our country.

With Gratitude,
Ronda Englander
Co-Founder & Executive Director





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Copyright © 2013 The Comfort Crew

The Comfort Crew is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. We are also supported by the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC#46891).