The 2014 With You All the Way Spring Tour, sponsored by the USO, is halfway through. The Crew has presented to over 8,000 military kids in grades 2nd – 6th so far this year. Each military child that attends the presentation receives a Military Family Empowerment Pack filled with strategies to navigate issues all kids face: bullies, homework, friendships, and healthy choices; as well as information about deployments, frequent moves, and reintegration.
Most schools we visit are located off base so a large percentage of our audiences are non-military. Students gain important information about universal childhood issues, in addition to learning how to support their friends dealing with the additional challenges that come with growing up in a military family.
Last week, we visited Francis T. Evans Elementary and Imagine Andrews Public Charter School. The USO film crew shot some great footage for the new video promoting this important program for military kids.
AFCEA Energy hosted a spring networking event and invited the Crew to provide a service project for the attendees. It was a great event held at the historic Old Ebbitt Grill and thanks to the generous sponsors we assembled 200 With You All the Way Deployment Kits that will be delivered to children separated from their parent while they are deployed.
Taste of the South is an annual fundraiser founded in 1982 by a group of southerners transplanted to Washington DC. Today 7 states participate and raise funds to support nonprofit organizations in their home state. This year CCMK was selected to represent Texas as one of the non-profits to benefit from the fundraising effort. The Crew attended the Congressional Reception at the Rayburn House Building hosted by corporate sponsors of the Gala. It was a great opportunity to meet our congressional leaders, and their staff. We took the opportunity to tell them about the families we serve and how important it is to support this generation of military kids that have sacrificed so much.