Austin Marathon and Half Marathon

December 12, 2013

JOIN THE CREW on February 16, 2014! The Comfort Crew is once again one of the selected charities for the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon.  You can join the Crew by running or walking for our team or volunteering at our waterstop. To Run or Walk – register at  select Austin Gives Miles and then Comfort Crew from the scroll down menu as the charity you would like to join.  We can help you set up a pledge page to raise money to support military kids. To Volunteer – register at Waterstop  select Aid Station #2 – Comfort Crew.

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Home Of The Screaming Eagles

December 12, 2013

As some of you may know, I have the pleasure of traveling around the world to military bases with my business partner, and star, Trevor Romain. I have been called everything from business manager, to sidekick, to assistant, and Hey You. But it really doesn’t matter because getting the opportunity to be a part of supporting these wonderful military kids is a real honor. But today was a little bit different. And it was certainly a different kind of honor… Last week we were at Ft Campbell on the Tennessee, Kentucky border. Ft Campbell is the home of the 101st Airborne, The Screaming Eagles. Sergeant Odle from the public affairs office was showing us around the base. We went into the officers building, which housed the wall of fame, honoring all of the brave men and women who died while deploying from Ft Campbell. As I was looking at the […]

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USO World Tour Of The Planet

November 13, 2013

As a Comfort Crew member I have an incredible job. It allows me to travel the world and work with the most amazing kids. I have the pleasure of seeing kids laugh hysterically at our movies, hear their poignant and inspiring stories, and recieve many high fives. The USO world tour of the planet is an amazing mission around the world to support our military kids who are having a tough time right now.  Because of multiple deployments, this period of war has been hard on families. It has also been very tough on our military. One of the most disturbing statistics is the number of service members taking their own life, a staggering average of 23 per day including veterans. Today I met a young boy who puts a face to these statistics. He moved to North Carolina from California recently and after my presentation came up to me and tearfully told me he lost his step-dad to suicide a […]

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Join Team Comfort Crew!

November 7, 2013
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Boots & Birdies

October 31, 2013
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Being The New Kid

October 7, 2013

Being the new kid wasn’t new.  Growing up as a military kid, I got to make an entirely new group of friends and explore a brand new hometown every couple of years. Germany, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Florida; all of these were “home” at some point before I turned 18. While having to leave all of my friends every few years was never easy, this lifestyle exposed me to much more than the average American kid who grows up in the same city. Once I began college, I realized my experience as a military kid set me apart from most of my peers. Certain attributes I had gained from this military upbringing started to become clear. Within the first few days of college, I had met hundreds of people. Years of being the new kid, or welcoming the new kid, paid off. Inclusivity became a theme for my life, which […]

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Be A Hero!

September 17, 2013

I am in awe of our military families. As a parent of two, keeping up with what is going on with academics, extracurricular activities, and friends can seem like a full time job. And at times, feeling connected with them can be so fleeting, especially as they get older. Just imagine the added stress and burdens unique to military families over the past 12 years. So much has been asked of our military families. Our troops volunteer, but their children sacrifice too. Imagine being separated from your child for a year. Then imagine being asked to leave again a year later…and again…and again. Many families have been through the deployment cycle 5,6,7 times, some even more. They have sacrificed precious time with their children while they protect our freedoms. We need your help to meet requests that we receive every day. Our goal is to raise $11K in 11 days […]

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When the Twin Towers Fell I was 9 years Old

September 11, 2013

  On this 12th anniversary of a tragic day for all Americans, I wanted to share a unique perspective. Hannah Kuhns is the daughter of a soldier. She is one of 2 million children that were directly affected by this fateful event.   September 11, 2013 When the twin towers fell, I was 9 years old. Now 21, I’m still profoundly impacted by that day and the events that followed. As the PROUD daughter of an American soldier, I would be the first to say that I wouldn’t trade my life and the experiences I have had for anything. I have had the opportunity to travel the country, meet interesting people from all walks of life, and catch a glimpse of true heroes in everyday life. However, with these incredible experiences, I also had to face very adult situations at a very young age. The idea that my dad had to go to a country I […]

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It’s Official! The Comfort Crew is an Approved CFC Charity!

August 30, 2013

The CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 200 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help raise millions of dollars each year. Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal and military donors during the campaign season (September 1st – December 15th) support eligible nonprofit organizations like The Comfort Crew. The Comfort Crew can be found in the CFC catalog under “Comfort Crew for Military Kids” CFC #46891. If you are a Federal employee, participating in CFC is a great way to support military kids and let them know, we’re With You All the Way!

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Cuzzie finds friends at Hood Howdy

August 15, 2013

The CCMK staff was proud to attended the Hood Howdy at Ft. Hood on August 8th and help welcome new families! The MWR hosted a great event…Texas style. We had the chance to tell families that just moved to the area about our resouces that can help prepare them for the challenges of military life. We met a mother and her two children that just moved to Killeen from Virginia.  She said she was a little concerned about her oldest son, who is 10 years old, because their father would be deploying again soon. This will be his 5th deployment. We hope Cuzzie will help this family remember they are not alone, we are With You All the Way!

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Copyright © 2013 The Comfort Crew

The Comfort Crew is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. We are also supported by the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC#46891).