The Comfort Crew introduced a new resource Together Again! Helping Military Families Reconnect on Capitol Hill last week as part of our Bringing Families Back Together Program. Senator Cornyn’s office hosted the service project at the Dirksen Senate Building last Friday, in which volunteers from Citrix and AFCEA Energy helped guests assemble the Together Again Kits! The project was open to the public and was part of Citrix’s Global Day of Impact! The 200 kits assembled will be sent to school-age children who have a parent returning from deployment. This new resource focuses on the unique challenges families experience during the reintegration phase of the deployment cycle. The plush comfort item in this new kit is a newly created… Cuzzie Jr. – Cute! Cuzzie Jr. was excited to visit Capitol Hill to get packed up for delivery to his final destination. . . the arms of military child. The Together Again Kit is the follow-up resource […]