Camp Hero Girls Receive Red Carpet Treatment for Homecoming

by comfortcrewmk on October 20, 2014



The Comfort Crew for Military Kids partnered with flAir Style Lounge last weekend to provide a red carpet treatment for two deserving military teens and their friends for Homecoming. The Comfort Crew first met the sisters, Shannon and Nicole at Camp Hero 2012, CCMK’s annual camp for National Guard youth at Camp Mabry. You can see from the picture below that Nicole still has her signature card from Camp Hero!

Shannon, Nicole and AngBWhen Shannon and Nicole were younger, they experienced both parents serving in the military and separation due to deployments. Their father was a Captain in the Air Force and an FBI agent, but passed away eight 8 years ago. Their mother, Laretta, continues to serve in the National Guard Air Force on the Join Counterdrug Task Force and as a Human Resource Advisor at the 136th Airlift Wing. “When their father died, I considered getting out of the military so I could spend more time with them, but both girls have always been so supportive and willing to make sacrifices so I can continue to do my job. When we go to events, they like for me to wear my uniform. They’re proud of the job I do and I couldn’t do it without their support,” said Laretta.

Laretta adds, “I’ve missed so many of their events. I am so excited that it worked out that I will get to be a part of this.” Shannon, Nicole, and their two friends received dresses, hairstyle, makeup, photography, and limousine service.  “I was so excited when my mom told my sister and me that we were selected by The Comfort Crew and flAir Style Lounge for this Homecoming makeover. It’s nice to know that people are thinking about us and care about our family,” said  Shannon. 

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Copyright © 2013 The Comfort Crew

The Comfort Crew is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. We are also supported by the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC#46891).