The Challenge
Since 9/11, 50,581 service members have returned from
war with visible injuries and an estimated 320,000 have
returned with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Medical
professionals claim that over 20% of service members are
diagnosed with exhibiting symptoms of PTSD.
While we're making amazing strides as a country in
supporting our wounded warriors, there has been little
time or resources available to support the children.
Military children have a difficult time processing the
experience of a parent coming home wounded and don't
know how to communicate these resources. Our Support for
Kids of Injured Heroes resources help military kids and
their families pave the way to building quality,
thriving family support systems.
According to the Study on Children of Seriously
Wounded Service Members: A Needs Assessment, The
Comfort Crew for Military Kids is one of twelve
"organizations that stood out in their focus and efforts
to provide needed social support and training services
to children and families of seriously wounded service
How We Help
The Taking Care of You! Support for Kid of Injured
Heroes Program addresses common issues that
children ages 6 and up experience when a family member
returns from a deployment with a visible and/or
invisible injury.
The Taking Care of You! Support
for Kids of Injured Heroes Program Includes:
- A Taking Care of You! Support for Kids of Injured
Heroes Kit full of resiliency building strategies;
access to an animated movie to let kids know they
aren't alone, a journal to express their feelings, a
family guidebook for parents, and a plush mouse to
provide comfort and companionship.
- Follow-up support every 45 days for a year
following the delivery of the kit. Video on how to
most effectively utilize the kit components, survey
for collecting data on our impact, activity pages,
and other recommended resources.
- Access to our Comfort Crew Academy, a virtual
learning and resiliency platform for military kids.
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Key Metrics
Total Children Impacted:
23,000 Per Year
Per Child Support Needed : $18.69
Total Amount Needed Annually: $429,870 Cuzzie Giving Meter
Check in to see where we are with meeting our goals in
helping children of wounded warriors!
Fundraising for mass production of kits
Development |
